Want Wednesday: Safety Edition

Today’s Want Wednesday is brought to you by my fear of running at 6:00 PM when cars are out and I feel like I could possibly get run over by the neighborhood soccer mom hauling you-know-what in her gas guzzling SUV to get her 6 screaming children to practice. Not that that almost happened or anything.

I hate thinking of worst-case scenarios, but like the saying goes:

Better safe than sorry!

As runners, we are definitely at a safety risk when running along streets, in bike paths, on trails, etc. There are a few items I want to invest in, especially as we get closer to Fall and running in darker conditions. So without further ado, my wants for this Wednesday:

1. Road ID Wrist ID – $15.99 – $29.99


As morbid as it sounds, and I much as I hope I never actually have a use for it, I think a Road ID sport band is an important thing to have. I’m planning to order mine soon and I think it’s important for everyone to wear one, or have some form of ID with emergency contacts, when running alone. I just have to think of a good quote to put on mine!

2. Spibelt – $19.95

I’ve been wanting one of these guys for a while now too. The company claims they don’t bounce, and you can fit all everything from your phone, iPod and keys to 5 gels in the little stretchy belt. Very convenient since I’m planning to find some new running routes that might require me to drive and keep all that stuff with me. Lord knows I can’t run with anything other than a water bottle in my hands.

3. A good running light like the Road ID Firefly – $12.99

Now that it’s getting darker out earlier and will probably be be getting foggy and maybe rainy (in SoCal? we’ll see) I think one of these will be an important addition to my running gear. Especially since I’m hoping to be running longer distances which means venturing out into some streets that have more than 2 or 3 cars go by every 20 minutes. I want to be SEEN! 

So now I just need to save up my money (so difficult with all the Fall fashion previews everywhere) and start investing in my running safety!

Today I did the second 3-miler of my training at a slowww 10:20 pace. But, it was on the treadmill and I just wasn’t feeling the treadmill after my nice outdoor run yesterday. Looking forward to 3 more miles tomorrow!

Here are a few pictures that I never posted from last weekend. We went to visit our friends out in Irvine and had dinner at Sol Cocina and followed it up with a harbor cruise through Newport – after I got my AMAZING chocolate and peanut-covered frozen banana. Enjoy!

Bulldog Margaritas!









Filed under Running, Uncategorized, Want Wednesday

2 responses to “Want Wednesday: Safety Edition

  1. em

    I have been needing a spibelt too! On my long runs I always have so much to carry!!

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