Category Archives: Shopping

So Now I Have to Carry Hand Sanitizer Too?

So if you were wondering how my grand master plan went, let’s just say it didn’t really go. I didn’t get a PDR. I ran 7.4 slooooow miles – it took me around 1:20 to do so. Why do I say around 1:20? Well, when I packed up all my stuff on Friday to leave at J’s house, I left my Road ID and Nike+ in my bag with my spare clothes. Which I left at his house. UGH.

Missing in Action on 10/22

Missing in Action on 10/22

I’m not going to make excuses and blame my poor performance on my lack of a stopwatch. Instead, I’m going to blame it on my mental state starting out due to the lack of a stopwatch, the wind, the 80+ degree heat, the obscene number of stoplights and crosswalks, and the fact that I was just generally not feeling it. It really got bad at about 6 miles when my left hip started to cramp up each time I was forced to stop at a crosswalk. The only good thing about the run is that the NUUN and the Shotbloks didn’t bother my stomach at all.

Thankfully, my wonderful BF comforted me by letting me watch the entire first season of The Walking Dead with him all weekend.

Zombie Shows = Temporary Distraction from Crappy Run

I would be lying if I didn’t admit to being totally disappointed in myself. I spent a good portion of Saturday just feeling really bummed and getting down on myself. I know that’s not going to make anything better, but sometimes I just need to sulk.

To top off the utter-horribleness of this run, I also learned today that I’m probably going to contract some nasty, incurable disease from all the crosswalk buttons I had to push on Saturday. Now on top of a water bottle, NUUN, Shotbloks, my phone, iPod, RoadID and Nike+, I need to start carrying this on my runs:

I think I was able to redeem myself a little tonight by knocking another 15 seconds off my 3-mile run. Thanks to the cool temps and lack of stoplights, I ran 3 miles in 28:45 (9:29 pace).

I was very excited to finally get the chance to wear my cold-weather-running Target clearance purchase:

Not at all flashy right? But only $4.98!

The funny thing is, J and I were at Target on Saturday getting stuff for our Halloween costumes and he pointed out this shirt and mentioned how ugly it was, so I kindly informed him that my cheapo-self had just bought it for less than $5 because I need more running tops and don’t make billions of dollars for doing nothing and talking in a baby voice:

Do you care what your running clothes look like or will you wear something if it’s a good deal? I am more picky about my running shorts and capris, but will wear any top as long as it’s a good deal and a good fit.

What’s your weirdest germaphobia problem? Well I now need to add gas pumps and crosswalk buttons to my list, but I am most grossed out by the benches in the gym locker room. I can’t believe people will sit on those naked!


Filed under J, Running, Shopping

A Human Christmas Tree

Ran 3.02 miles in 29 min (9:36 pace yeah!)

I can really feel how much stronger I am getting as a runner. I used to have to drag my body up hills, and today I ran the entire 3 mile loop without stopping, even with a 1-mile uphill battle! I also knocked 1:36 off my previous record for this route! Needless to say, I’m feeling much better today than I did after the 8-mile fiasco.

Over the weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in Palm Springs for a little R&R.

My Grandparents Know How to Party

The only bummer was that I had to make the long, long, 2.75 hour drive all by myself and much to my annoyance, the radio seemed to only want to play Foster the People and that AWFUL Lil Wayne Song. Whoever told him he sounded good needs their ears check. I mean, how can you even listen to his version after hearing this guy do it ohsowell. Who goes on a long drive and leaves their iPod in the trunk? This girl.

But I digress… Anyways, on my way home during said boring drive, I made a slight detour to the holy grail of impulse purchases:

The Desert Hills Premium Outlets Nike Factory Store. Yes. I somehow managed to breeze by Michael Kors, True Religion and every other amazing outlet store that i still can’t afford despite the heavily discounted bargain prices and head straight to Nike. I was extremely hungry and ready to be out of the car and home, but first I needed to do a little damage. My main goal was to find something for the Holiday Half. I ended up scoring 2 pairs of Nike Pro compression shorts, Nike Dri-Fit Capris and a Nike Technical Tee.

Modeling my new outfit pre-run today

I am hooked on these shorts. They are definitely a little on the short side, but they don’t make me look like I’m wearing a diaper (coughmytemposcough). And they are SO soft. The tee is great too, I love that it’s a little longer than normal and it’s loose but tapered in on the sides so I don’t look like I’m wearing a man-shirt.

So now I’m just in search of some awesomesauce Christmas socks. Preferably ones with lights or something equally as ridiculous. Target should have them in stock by next week I’m sure. And since my face and legs tend to turn fire-engine red when I run, I should have no problem looking like a Christmas tree while running the Holiday Half. Now I just need some upbeat Christmas songs to add to my iPod.

What is one store you can never walk out of without buying something? Mine is definitely Target. But second would be any place I find Nike running clothes on sale.

What is the next race you are running? Anyone planning to run the Holiday Half in Pomona?


Filed under Running, Shopping